1. By using our website, you agree to our terms and conditions of use.
  2. Our website is an online learning platform that collects personal data such as name, identification number, email, phone, address, company name and other personal data that deemed fits and required.
  3. You understand that there are certain prerequisites for signing up, such as having the necessary software and hardware.
  4. You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining any necessary licenses for the software and hardware required to access our website.
  5. We are not liable if you use pirated software or hardware to access our website.
  6. We may use your personal data for the purpose of providing and improving our services, and for communication with you in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) of Malaysia.
  7. You understand that the standards, guidelines, workflows or best practices used in the tutorial videos or class materials provided on our website were accurate at the time they were created and may vary with the time.
  8. You are responsible for keeping your account information and password secure.
  9. You agree to not use our website for any illegal or unauthorized purposes.
  10. You understand that the content provided on our website is for educational purposes only and may not reflect the real-world situation.
  11. We reserve the right to modify or terminate our services at any time without notice.
  12. We reserve the right to change our terms and conditions at any time without notice.
  13. If you violate our terms and conditions, we reserve the right to terminate your account.
  14. By using our website, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims or losses related to your use of our website.